
Project Overview

Zu jedem Managementsystem gehört auch eine entsprechende Controlling-Möglichkeit, um Ihre Unternehmensabläufe messen und ergebnisorientiert steuern zu können. Wir erarbeiten mit Ihnen individuelle IT Kennzahlen und etablieren ein effektives Reporting bzw. Dashboards zur Erfolgsmessung und Steuerung Ihrer Organisationsbereiche, Prozesse oder Services.

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Big business is attractive, with huge profits for some. But there’s something to be said about small business as well, with lower risk and the potential for creativity. Darren Robbins of Big D Custom Screen Printing in Austin,

In 2008, Starbucks announced that they would be closing 600 US stores. Up to that point, Starbucks stores had added new offerings, including wi-fi and music for sale, but started to lose its warm „neighborhood store“ feeling in favor of a chain store persona. Harvard Business Review points out that in this situation, „Starbucks is a mass brand attempting to command a premium price for an experience that is no longer special.“ Meaning, in order to keep up, Starbucks would either have to cut prices, or cut down on stores to restore its brand exclusivity.

HBR’s case study shares three problems with the growth of Starbucks: alienating early adopters, too broad of an appeal, and superficial growth through new stores and products. Harvard recommends that Starbucks should have stayed private, growing at a controlled pace to maintain its status as a premium brand.

Our Solution

In 2008, Starbucks announced that they would be closing 600 US stores. Up to that point, Starbucks stores had added new offerings, including wi-fi and music for sale, but started to lose its warm „neighborhood store“ feeling in favor of a chain store persona. Harvard Business Review points out that in this situation, „Starbucks is a mass brand attempting to command a premium price for an experience that is no longer special.“.

  • Premium price for an experience that is no longer special.

  • But started to lose its warm „neighborhood store“ feeling

  • Starbucks announced that they would be closing.

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